Welcome to Siam Hearing co.,ltd

Operating more than 20 branches throughout the country, we at Siam Hearing have established ourselves as one of the leaders in modern hearing care. In 2005, we opened our doors in Bangkok  and made our presence known in the hearing aid industry. Since then, we’ve helped thousands of people improve their quality of hearing. How did we accomplish this? It’s simple – we put our customers’ needs first. Our team of hearing aid experts and licensed audiologists work closely with you to find the best, most affordable solution. From the consultation to your hearing aid fitting at one of our local stores, we guide you through the entire process.

About Us

Our Service

The audiologists and staff members at each of the Siam Hearing Centers are dedicated to providing you with high quality service and the latest technological innovations in hearing health. All of our services are tailored to your needs, your budget, and your lifestyle.


Hearing Aids

Depending on your level of hearing loss, you may have several options when it comes to hearing aid styles, including completely in the canal, in the ear, and behind the ear styles. Our audiologists offer hearing aids from such manufacturers as Unitron, Sonic . Using the latest technology, these aids provide high quality sound and years of durability.

Hearing Test

At Siam Hearing, our number one priority is to improve our client’s quality of life. Our professionals are strong advocates for a thorough testing process and in depth evaluation of your hearing health needs which is vital to the proper diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss. We go beyond the standard screening process offered at most clinics, providing each individual with a comprehensive hearing test and personalized consultation to review the results.


If you are found to have a hearing loss, your audiologist will explain the options available to you and give you the opportunity to try hearing aids and hear the difference they could make for you. We recommend you bring a close friend or relative with you to your hearing aid consultation.


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Hear @ Home Service

Nobody wants to sit in traffic to then sit in a busy waiting room, losing half of their day for a routine hearing care appointment.

Yet the traditional hearing care industry has unfortunately made this the norm, forcing patients to squeeze themselves into busy schedules, work around the provider, and spend hours out of their day for each appointment.

It’s not convenient, it’s not what you want to do, and if travelling is a challenge for you, it makes caring for your hearing needlessly difficult.

But there is a better way. Hearing at Home offer a professional advanced hearing care service that travels to you.

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Online Hearing Screening

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Because “customer satisfaction is our first priority,” we have expanded our service centers throughout the country and continued to develop our personnel’s after-sales service capability and knowledge. Whether it is cleaning services, repairs, technical consultation, product advice, parts sales or follow-up requests, we will take special care to deliver a fast and excellent service to every customer in order to build their confidence and trust in Siam Hearing.

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